Hawaiian Sacred Healing Space
Sep 21, 2023
“I bow to the Christ in the temples of all human brothers, in the temple of all life.” – PY.
It has been a challenging summer with the wildfires in Maui. We are hanging in there. The island of Maui is Strong. We work together with the Aloha spirit and serve each other to bring some relief to Lahaina Strong. It has been my joy to meet, serve, and heal with the people of Lahaina.
I recently met a friend in town who texted everyone to say he would be nearby. He had lost his home in Lahaina. I hugged him and asked to see if he needed anything. Once I saw him walking and how slow he was moving, I thought about giving him a massage. Suddenly, I offered to bring my table to where he was staying and work on him. After I worked on him, I asked how I could see if others might need work. He could barely speak. He was tired, covered in dirt from outside, and mentally out of it. He told me that he was staying at the hub in Honokowai. I looked it up and decided to go there that weekend. I could feel something greater at work within me happening. The urge to offer to work on him came from a higher place within.
Since the fires and all the tourists going home came a loss of work for many, including myself.
I arrived, and the men helping with parking were very kind. A man helped me get my table out and led me toward the big banyan tree in the park. I didn’t notice everything happening initially because I had never been there and had one person on my mind. I gave him a massage under the Banyan tree’s shade. While working on my friend, I looked next to where I stood at tents where one could put a massage table. I realized that there was a healing center right next to me. I quickly walked over to a woman who said that I could move inside to be under a tent, out of the shifting sun. She had already noticed me and brought me some wipes to use. She must have thought I came there to serve with everyone else. However, though I intended to see if others would like to have work, I didn’t know it was a full-fledged healing center set up for volunteers to come and serve. I went to my car, and someone else had moved into the tent when I returned. I had to choose another one. I saw firsthand how many people knew about this hub and were already working their miracles. The woman who took the tent was an acupuncturist.
My first thought after getting everything set up was that since I wasn’t working, I could do this to keep my engines running and serve God simultaneously. (I haven’t done any pro bono service in a while, except that my work and teachings are always centered around helping people by sharing invaluable information.)
Since August 20, I have gone to serve eight times. I will go again tomorrow and teach yoga on Sunday before doing the body/healing work. It is such fulfilling work to do. What is different about serving pro bono is that it opens channels inside me that help me be transparent, centered, and open. I feel exhilarated connecting with people on deeper levels when entering their auric body fields. I take on more and more work, but I never feel overburdened because I do everything for God. People at this center, and I suspect at all the centers, become Ohana (family). I have grown very fond of driving over an hour to get there to serve. I say this because it illustrates how good it feels to give. When we are feeling down or at a loss, it always lifts us to give to someone else in need. Service to others is taught in many traditions, countries, religions, and families, and it helps us to get outside of ourselves and our egos. I feel the energy that comes from getting out of the way and allowing the energy to flow through me as a channel. Several volunteers have lost houses and businesses who are serving there daily. It’s inspirational.
Being guided from above and being on purpose go together. My intuition and psychic vision align with flashes of clarity and inner perception of deep knowing. This has been opening up more and more as of late as I listen to the inner guidance of helping to heal the island and the people through service to God.
The idea of going to the hubs to help Maui Strong was something I thought about after day one of being in the hub doing healing work on people. Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy, among the healing herbs of the Hawaiians, mid-wives, Light Workers, and sound healers, of healing at Pu’uhonua Sacred Cultural Healing Space Aloha Aina. It's beautiful.
I carry the other healing modalities that I am experienced and accomplished in, such as Ayurveda, yoga, meditation, spiritual counseling, massage, Reiki, herbs, formulas, Thailams, and teaching Ayurveda, as dinacharya, a daily routine. I listen with my hands and my heart. I look with not only my eyes but also my other senses. I hear and feel. For the last two months, people have wanted bodywork, mainly. Ayurveda has not made its way to the healing beach center. I want to educate and bring this ancient science to the people of Maui.
It can be rewarding to meet people going through vulnerable times. It opens us up when we experience trauma and crisis like nothing else. It is a place to begin to heal with an open heart, willing to take one step at a time. With love and compassion, all things are possible.
The ancient Indian medical system, Ayurveda, is based on ancient writings that rely on a “natural” and holistic approach to physical and mental health. Ayurvedic medicine is one of the world's oldest medical systems and one of India's traditional healthcare systems.
Through diet, taking responsibility for one’s health, and detoxing regularly throughout the year is an ancient approach that an experienced, chosen practitioner of Ayurveda Medicine can use to help one find one's natural rhythms and nature.
I offer Free! Thirty-minute Introductory Consultations for people inquiring if Ayurveda is something that can help them. You will learn if you are drawn to Ayurveda and can change habits and diet. Learn the guidelines to help you feel more balance, energy, and openness in your body, mind, and soul.
Click Here to Book Your Free!
Consultation Today.
Blessings to Lahaina Maui Strong,
Annapurna Darcy Delyle